My Demon Saint: Shifting Reality, Book 2 Read online

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  Before those thoughts could completely register in her mind he was inside her. Oh God. He felt just as big, just as sinful as he looked.

  It had been so long since she’d had this. Three years. Ume’s head tilted to the side and she moaned, lost to it. Lost to this stranger. “Fuck me.”

  Plum opened her full lips and moaned. “Fuck me.”

  Sinner growled. “Just remember. You asked for it.”

  There were no words to come close to describing how she felt as he held her against the wall and started to shaft her. Taken. Deep and long, hard and slow, filling her beyond what she thought she could take before dragging his hips back so slowly she thought she would die from it.

  “Faster. Please. More.” Ume was begging, unashamed that he’d brought her to this state so quickly. Teasing her with exquisitely slow strokes. Gripping her hips with his strong hands, controlling her body.

  His seductive voice was raspy with desire. “What makes you think begging will help?” He thrust deep, laughing at her groan. “I’m enjoying this too much. Too damn much.”

  She curled her fingers, digging her nails into his biceps and clenched her inner muscles around his cock, making him shout, his hips jerking against hers. “Don’t tempt the devil, babe. You may not be able to handle what comes next.”

  Ume stared at the character on screen through a red haze of passion. “I can handle whatever you dish out.”

  Plum sent Sinner a siren’s smile. “I can handle whatever you dish out.”

  “Oh, poor girl. Now there really is no going back.”

  Her cries echoed through the empty living room, and her back arched hard off the daybed. This. This was what she wanted. She was drowning in sensations—the smell of him, the feel of the heat rolling off his body, burning her skin. The noises emerging from his throat as he powered into her, jarring her body with the strength of his thrusts, sounded animalistic. Wild.

  She loved it all. He didn’t treat her as though she were fragile. As though she would break. He claimed her as his equal. Demanded everything like a conqueror. Trembled like a lover.

  Her climax took her by surprise. A bonfire. A raging, burning conflagration rushing through every cell in her body, leaving nothing behind but ashes. He’d destroyed her. He joined her with a roar of satisfaction, and in that moment she knew she would never be the same.

  Ume tasted the salt of her tears, mingling with the salty taste of his skin in her mouth and she realized she was biting his shoulder. She blinked, forcing herself to focus. Her character was biting his shoulder.

  He was looking at the screen, directly at her. “More, Ume. Give me more.” His guttural voice shocked her completely back to her senses.

  She slammed down the laptop cover, unplugging it for good measure before placing it on the table beside her as though it had just turned into a poisonous snake.

  Ume. The computer-generated character that had just made her climax had called her by her real name.

  And she could have sworn she’d seen his eyes flash red.

  She was trembling, and pretty sure she was never going to play Demon Saint again. Hell, she might never open that computer again. And she was definitely going to talk to her doctor about those pain meds.

  She ran a shaky hand over her face, pushing her damp hair off her forehead. It had seemed so real. Her body was convinced it was. Her sex was still pulsing from the most intense climax of her life. And no one had actually touched her.

  Playtime was over. From now on, she’d stick to the real world.

  Chapter Three

  It had been two days. Two long, difficult days. Ume threw her pen and the book of crossword puzzles she’d been trying to focus on across the room. Nothing was distracting her from what she’d done, what she’d seen on the computer the other night.

  The physical therapist had come by yesterday, and Ume had nearly exhausted him, unwilling to stop until she’d been covered in a cold sweat, collapsing before having to listen to his lecture on going slow and taking it easy. But she didn’t want to take it easy.

  She’d wanted to be so exhausted that she didn’t relive Sinner’s touch. The touch of someone who didn’t actually exist, or so she told herself over and over again. He couldn’t exist. And it had just been her imagination that he’d spoken to her, that his eyes glowed.

  Any other explanation was crazy. Instantly a memory of her mother tucking her into her bed filled her mind.

  “Beware the Oni, Ume-chan. They know your desires as well as they know your fears. They will use both against you if they discover your existence.” Her mother reached down and held the necklace she’d made Ume wear since she was a baby, watching the single pearl glimmer by the light of the small bedside lamp. “This should protect you from our Oni. It has always kept me safe.”

  But it hadn’t. Not from her early death. Not from her own fears, that had grown to such paranoid proportions before she died that her teenage daughter had been embarrassed by her. Embarrassed…and cruel. That had been the hardest thing for Ume to accept. That like her father, she’d left her mother alone with her terror. And the last conversation they’d had before she died could never be taken back.

  The one where she’d told her mother there was no such thing as kitsune, as Oni. The one where she’d called her mother crazy.

  Maybe losing her mind was Ume’s punishment.

  “I know. I was just here, but my mother made her famous dumplings and she knew you would want some, so here I am again.”

  Ume jumped, swiping her palm over her damp eyes to hide her tears. “Dumplings, huh? Sounds delicious.”

  Julie stopped in the middle of pulling out a plastic container full of pork-filled goodness and stared hard at her cousin, making Ume squirm. “Have you been crying? You sound like you’ve been crying.”

  Ume shook her head but Julie wasn’t buying it, rushing to the daybed, a look of true concern on her lovely face. “Ume Wu, tell me what’s wrong right now. Are you in pain? Do I need to call the doctor?”

  Julie took Ume’s face in her hands and she crumpled, the tears she’d been holding in pouring down her cheeks. Her cousin looked bemused. It was understandable. Ume didn’t cry. Not during the surgeries. Not when she’d discovered her chances of ever walking normally again. Not in front of people, at least. It was a lesson from her stoic father that she’d never forgotten.

  “Please, tell me what to do. What happened?”

  “I ha-had cyber se-sex,” Ume sobbed. “And it felt real. I mean really real. And then…and then…hiseyesturnedredandnowI’mafraidtoopenmycomputer.” She looked up at Julie, whose mouth was opening and closing like a fish trying to breathe above water. “You think I’m loony tunes, don’t you?”

  “Because you had cybersex? Or because of how fast you’re talking?”

  Ume sniffed loudly. “Because I’ve been playing that stupid game and now I think there’s a demon on my computer. Oh God, I can’t believe I just said that out loud.”

  Julie sat back. “You’ve been playing Demon Saint?”

  Ume nodded, and Julie bit her lip. “And you think you had, um, cybersex with a demon?”

  Ume nodded again.

  “And it was good?” Another nod. “So, why are you crying again?”

  Ume snorted, accepting the tissue Julie handed her. “You’re no help at all. I’m admitting to you that insanity may run in my family and you just accept it. I keep forgetting you believe this is all real.”

  Julie sighed. “Okay, you want practical? I don’t think your computer is possessed with an orgasm-inducing demon. To prove it, I’m going to sit here while you turn it back on. Besides, you can’t be afraid of the Internet. You’re my best customer.”

  She stuck her tongue out at Julie but felt a nervous flutter in her stomach when she looked at the thin, rectangular object of her fears. Maybe Julie was right. She should just open it up, turn it on and prove to herself once and for all that there was nothing to be afraid of.

  Julie reached
over and picked up her laptop, holding it out towards her. Ume’s hands lifted hesitantly to take it. She opened it, releasing a startled shriek as it started to ring.

  “Calm down, Ume. It’s just my phone.” Julie chuckled, pulling her cell phone out of her pocket with one hand, reaching over to turn on Ume’s computer with the other. “Hello?”

  Ume looked up as Julie’s fingers grasped her wrist and held on tight. Her face had gone dangerously pale.

  “Who is it?” Ume mouthed, momentarily distracted from the hum of her laptop booting up.

  “Wolf,” Julie mouthed back. Out loud she said, “Yes. I remember you, Liam. May I ask, how did you get this number?”

  Ume started to smile. It was him. The man Julie had such a huge crush on. The one she’d regretted walking away from. He obviously hadn’t forgotten her either, if Julie’s blush was anything to go by.

  The computer in her lap was making a strange repetitive dinging sound, and she looked down. It was a dialogue box from the game. The game that shouldn’t have turned on automatically.

  You have been given a new quest to find the Demon King’s lair. Do you accept Y/N?

  Oh, shit. Her hand started shaking. She slid her fingers over the mouse, comforted by the feel of Julie’s fingers, tight as they were, around her wrist. She clicked on the X to close the box without answering, deciding she would uninstall the game and reboot, just to be safe.

  The question dissolved and a new box appeared.

  I’ll take that as a yes.

  A shock of energy pulsed from the mouse pad to Ume’s fingertips and up her arm. She heard Julie’s cry of surprise mingling with her own as an electric current passed through her body, charging the air around them. Before Ume blacked out she could have sworn she heard a wolf howl in pain.

  A wolf?

  She never should have turned her computer back on.

  Demons weren’t known for their patience. Two days of waiting had nearly destroyed all traces of Saint’s humanity. She’d left him no avenue. No phone, no computer, no television signal to reach her. He wanted to go to her, to show up on her doorstep and demand an explanation for her abrupt departure from his arms. He wanted to tear down the world to get to her. A dangerous feeling for someone like him, because he could actually do it.

  But she didn’t know who or what he was. And her hoshi no tama, her talisman, still protected her. She had to give in to him willingly.

  He’d done some research on her during the last forty-eight hours. Enough to know she wasn’t his Trojan horse, not sent by a jealous demon brother or rival. But she might be his downfall all the same.

  Her mother’s family was from a small village in Japan near a forest that was a known dwelling of the kitsune, the fox-fire spirits that roamed that land. Like fairies these kitsune were—some mischievous, some protective, all of them old and powerful in their magic. Magic that had touched Ume somehow.

  He was sure it was no coincidence that she’d created her avatar in their image. She must have heard the stories too. But even her knowledge of them could put her in danger, because a kitsune had the kind of power any demon would covet.

  Any demon but Saint, of course. He had enough magic. He just wanted her. And that want was a madness that grew with every hour spent away from her. He didn’t care to think about what it meant. Thomas and Liam had acted the same way, but they were animals. They had an instinct to mate. Demons weren’t wolves. They lusted, but mating was never a part of the equation. So what was his excuse?

  He’d need to get closer to her to know if there was anything unusual in her blood. Needed to taste her. It was as good an excuse as any.

  Fuck, he’d never gotten to taste her. But he’d been inside her. He’d felt her pussy close around his cock and grip him so sweetly he’d nearly died from it.

  How was that possible? He’d planned to make her feel his touch, to give her pleasure. He never expected to experience that kind of intensity in return. That wasn’t how this worked. It had never been how it worked. But it had happened. And now he couldn’t think of anything else.

  He was losing control of the situation, which was why he’d had to formulate his plan. A full-proof plan. A work of genius. A plan he could implement as soon as she got online. And as soon as everyone and their brother stopped calling him.

  First it had been Liam. He was in San Francisco, he’d said, and outside of Julie’s house, but she wasn’t at home.

  “So why are you calling me when you should be calling her?”

  He could hear Liam gnashing his teeth, and he laughed. “Trust me. Surprises are good, but most women like a little warning. Sneaking up on her in the state you’re in will only scare her away. A little phone foreplay never hurt anyone.”

  Foreplay. Or cyber sex. Fuck, Ume had been wild. He’d hoped she would be. Now that he knew the passionate creature that lived inside her, he wanted to find out how far she was willing to go. How she felt about being tied up. Being spanked. She obviously liked role-playing. Would she enjoy playing innocent soul to his lecherous demon? Being fucked in the as—


  “Shit, Liam, I have to go. Mac is on the other line. Just take a few deep breaths and call the girl. And don’t tell her you’re standing outside her house, you’ll sound like a rabid dog. Or a stalker. Good luck.”

  Click. “Hey, Mac. Done brooding?”

  Mac laughed. “Just about. I wanted to make sure the penthouse was still intact.”

  “Aw, you were worried about me. You can say it. Don’t be. I’m being a good demon and playing with all my toys inside.”

  Saint could hear the sound of the ocean in the background, and he knew without asking that Mac was back near his ancestral home, roaming the shores of the North Sea by moonlight. “Coming back anytime soon?”

  “Soon enough. Are you okay, Saint?”

  Damn vampires and that empathy bullshit. Psychotherapists of the supernatural. No wonder he was so damn moody all the time. “It’s rainbows and bunnies all the time here at Casa de Devil. I’m fiddling with your taxes, helping Liam wrangle his mate, stuff like that. Oh, and I’m planning on kidnapping a woman into my game and defiling her in some fairly kinky ways as soon as she gets back online. So I’m fine. Busy, but fine.”

  Mac sputtered. “You’re planning on what?”

  “Not so worried about your taxes then?” Saint’s smile disappeared as soon as he felt it. She was on. She’d connected. He didn’t have much time. As scared as she’d been the other night, he was honestly surprised she hadn’t taken longer. Fucking grateful, but surprised.

  “Sorry. No time to explain. Gotta go.”

  He hung up on Mac and focused. This would take a powerful pull, a large amount of energy from him, but from what he’d seen she should be able to respond in kind. He was giddy, a word he would have laid money on never using. He couldn’t wait to get his hands on her. In his world. Where he had total control.

  He got comfortable, and set his mind free, sending it streaming into the warrior he’d named Sinner once more, determined to play the scenario out. Ume wouldn’t be able to turn him off now.

  When the transfer was complete, Saint shook his head, Sinner’s head, before turning to find his playmate. He’d sent them to a beautiful, if remote part of the game. Somewhere they could be alone for the moment, without other players getting in the way.

  She’d be stunned, sure. Vulnerable. She’d need his help, his guidance. And hopefully some of his more obvious charms. Saint grinned.

  That is, until he saw what the cyber tide had dragged in along with her.

  “Liam?” Saint lowered his voice, his eyes narrowing on the two, still unconscious females. “What happened? What are you doing here?”

  The broad-shouldered giant of a shifter ran a hand through his sandy brown hair and grimaced. “Hell if I know, Saint. Where are we?” He looked down at his body and his jaw dropped. “And why am I naked?”

  Saint rolled his eyes. “You aren’t naked. It’s call
ed a loincloth. The game automatically gave you an outfit that fit your character. Shifters usually wear as little as possible, in case they need to turn furry in battle. Saves on wear and tear.” He knelt beside the girls and shook his head. Julie Wu and Liam? “I didn’t call either of you here. Just Ume. I think my wires are crossed, man, I really do.”

  “You called her? Here? That’s Julie’s cousin, right? The one you wanted me to find out more about?” Liam looked around, an expression of wonder crossing his rugged features. “I’m in a friggin’ video game? I didn’t know you could do this. Say, when this is over, my little brother is a huge fan of Hal—”

  Saint was standing with his hand over Liam’s mouth before he could blink. “They’ll come to any second. Your mate and my…experiment. I need you to focus. First, you don’t know me. Got it? I’m just another character in the game. Second, tell me exactly what you were doing before you showed up here.”

  Liam was mumbling. Fuck. Saint took his hand off the shifter’s mouth.

  “I called her. On the phone. Like you told me to. It was bloody awkward if you want to know the truth. Before she could tell me she was getting an unlisted number and calling the cops I heard two women screaming, felt a shock like a lightning bolt through the damn earpiece you gave me and whammo, here I am.”

  He didn’t check. How could he not have checked? What was this woman doing to his mind? Saint hadn’t even thought to make sure she was alone before sending out his signal.

  Julie must have touched her. There had to be a conduit between them for something like this to happen. Not to mention a damn strong surge of power from Ume. Maybe she did have kitsune blood after all.

  Saint shook his head. “No time.” Bending back down to Julie, he touched her forehead, inserting the right coding so she wouldn’t recognize him. He looked over his shoulder at Liam, whose teeth were bared warningly. “Just a little insurance. Don’t worry, Fang, old boy, we can still get your girl. In fact, this might be the perfect place for both of us to get exactly what we want.”