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My Demon Saint: Shifting Reality, Book 2 Page 5
My Demon Saint: Shifting Reality, Book 2 Read online
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Sinner’s hand covered her lower back and she shivered, feeling his touch to the tip of her tails.
They had to find Saint before she started forgetting who she really was. Before she didn’t want to go back.
“I’m not feeling very well.” Ume turned to find Julie’s fingers touching her temple. She looked pale. “It must be the smoke.”
Liam stood and pulled her up into his arms. “I’ll take her outside.” He nodded at Ume. “She’ll be fine. I’ll protect her.”
Ume caught Julie’s gaze, and swallowed a sound of surprise. She was faking it? But why? The minute she thought the question she knew the answer.
Julie wanted to be alone with Liam.
“Are you sure, Jules?”
“I’m sure.”
The couple turned and made their way out of the crowded club, leaving Ume alone with Sinner and Manx. Talk about dangerous. “Anybody else hungry?”
Manx leaned back against the wall, his heavy-lidded gaze seductive. “I’m always hungry. Ask Sinner.”
Her warrior chuckled, dipping his chin in agreement. “It’s true. We’ve shared enough meals together for me to know we have similar appetites.”
“You’re not talking about food are you?” Had she just said that out loud? She clapped her hand over her mouth and the two men threw back their heads, their loud laughs drawing several envious female gazes.
“No, Ume, we’re not.” Sinner snared her gaze, his expression turning intent. “Does it shock you that we’ve shared women? Manx and I are very much alike. We both like to control a woman’s pleasure. Every aspect. To give her more than she thinks she can take.”
He looked down at her flushed neck, watching her rapid pulse and his lips quirked. “And Ume, a kitsune can take a lot. But I think you know that. You can feel that. So tell us… How hungry are you?”
Something stirred to life inside her. Something wicked. Wild. She knew what he was asking for. What he was offering. Both of them. Two beautiful, sensual men, focused on her.
If she were herself, in the real world, she might hesitate. Probably. Julie had been right the other day. Ume, before her drunken ex had run them both off the road, was known for being daring. Taking risks. Trying anything. But she’d learned from her mistakes. Or she thought she had.
Only now, she was a kitsune. She was a wild, magical creature whose thighs were already tingling at the thought of what might await her should she agree.
She licked her lips and jumped in with both feet. “I’m starving.”
“I was hoping you would say that.”
Sinner took her hand in his and stood, tugging her behind him without waiting for Manx.
Ume’s laugh was breathless. “Impatient?”
A large black door opened as if by magic and Sinner dragged her through before pressing her against the wall. His face was taut with restrained desire. “For you, Ume.”
He pressed his hardening erection against her, and she hummed, feeling his heat through their clothes. His long, dark lashes flickered. “As long as you’re here you are mine. No matter what happens behind these walls. Do you understand?”
A thrill shot through her, but she lifted her chin, feeling bolder than she’d ever been before. “I suppose if I forget you’ll just have to find a way to remind me.”
“Fuck, she’s perfect, isn’t she?” Manx’s rough sigh made her jump.
Sinner smiled grimly. “Yes. For me.”
“We’ll see.” Manx held up his hands and moved down the hallway, opening another door that led, Ume guessed, to a private room.
Sinner half carried, half dragged her alongside him, restless energy pouring off him in waves. He seemed edgy, and Ume wondered why. She’d already said yes to the dirtiest fantasy she’d ever had, hadn’t she?
Moments later she heard the door close behind her, but she couldn’t move. This was not a bedroom. It looked more like the romper room of the damned. Chains dangled from the walls, and red silk ropes hung from the ceiling. There was a tall, round beanbag-looking couch, a few metal chairs, and one glass cabinet filled with things she’d only seen for sale online.
But no bed.
Maybe a threesome wasn’t the dirtiest fantasy she’d ever had, because as insane as her logical mind was telling her this was, it was seriously turning her on.
“She’s not running.”
“No, she’s not.”
“Her tails are quivering.”
“Trust me, that’s a good sign.”
Ume huffed. “She’s still in the room. She can hear you.”
Sinner pulled her into his arms. “Also a good sign.”
He kissed her, and she instantly melted into him. Had they kissed before? Had she ever been kissed before? If she had, this was more. This was better. He tasted like hers.
Her warrior pulled his lips away from hers and looked into her eyes, something vulnerable and unsure in his expression. Confused. Why was he confused? It was wonderful.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and tried to pull him closer, but he resisted.
“Ready to play?”
Ume turned to glance at Manx when he chuckled. Her jaw dropped. He was naked. Completely, utterly naked. “You do have tattoos everywhere.”
Manx winked. “I knew you were wondering.”
She was so busy staring at one fascinating design growing before her eyes, that it took a moment to register the rope. “What the hell are you doing?”
“We are tying you up, Ume. Right now just your wrists, we’ll see about what comes later.”
He smiled, but there was a strange spark in his eyes. “Let go, Ume. Trust me.”
She already did. It scared her how much.
She trusted him. Why did that knowledge scare him? Wasn’t it exactly what he wanted? The problem was, Saint didn’t trust himself.
Watching Manx bind her wrists already had the demon in him raging to be set free. To take. To fuck. But Saint wanted more than that. He wanted to give her more pleasure than she’d ever imagined. So much that when she finally realized who and what he was, it wouldn’t matter. Nothing would matter but this.
While he still had some semblance of control he connected to his partner in crime. Like opening a private chatroom in his brain that only they could see.
“I can’t share her the way we have the others.”
Manx responded instantly.
“I had that feeling. You know I’ve always been a breast man…”
Saint nodded sharply. He would be the one to give her all that mattered. The pleasurable pain, the sweet sting that he knew instinctively she would love. It would surprise her how much.
His skin was burning, every muscle stretched tight, determined to hold on to the control he knew he’d need for this. Not just touching her. But watching her respond to someone else. It would be torture.
He couldn’t wait.
He pulled her long, dark hair over one shoulder to whisper in her ear. “Have you ever been spanked, Ume?”
She made a noise that sounded decidedly like a squeak, and he laughed. “I’ll take that as a no. It surprises me. A bad girl like you. Wild and bold. It surprises me that no one has tried.”
He flexed his muscles and gripped the fabric covering her with his bare hands, making short work of its removal. By the time all but one piece was gone, Ume was shaking.
“Oh my God.”
Saint ground his jaw together as he removed that blasted thong, leaving her bare and open to their view. “Not even close, love.”
He saw Manx swallow hard, taking in her character’s unbelievable proportions. He gripped his tattooed cock in his fist, and Saint understood exactly how he felt.
Saint grabbed the red bag and slid it in front of her, nodding in satisfaction when it stood at hip level. Perfect.
“Look at Manx, Ume. See how hungry he is. For you. You like the way he looks at you. Don’t bother to deny it.”
shook her head absently. “I won’t. I mean, I do. I like it.”
“Smart girl. Any other answer and I wouldn’t have done this.” Saint bent her over the bag, the rope giving just enough to allow for the movement.
“Fuck.” Manx’s look of helpless joy was almost comical as he watched her breasts jiggle and sway.
Saint’s teeth would be ground to powder at this rate. Maybe he should have created a breast-reduction stall. A potion. Something she would believe. But then, he’d been enjoying the view too much to even consider it. He knew what Ume really looked like. Thought her body was perfection, just the way it was.
But those breasts she’d given herself were too delicious to resist.
Saint circled her, smiling into her eyes before disappearing behind her again. “Spread your legs, Ume.”
She hesitated, and Saint pounced. He pressed his thigh between hers and opened her legs wide. So wide she lost her footing, and all her weight was balancing on the bag. “That’s it. Oh, that’s beautiful. You okay?”
He heard the quaver in her voice. The excitement she couldn’t quite conceal. “I think so.”
“You think so?” He let his fingertips glide down her back to her tails, which were stiff with expectation. He gripped all three in his hand and tugged lightly.
“Oh! Yes. Yes, I’m okay.”
He smiled, letting her go before taking off his clothes. She was ready.
She couldn’t think. Could hardly breathe. She wanted to scream at them to do something. Anything. Her body was on fire and all they’d done was tie her up and take off her clothes. Ume watched the handsome Manx stroke himself slowly, hypnotically, and heard the distinctive sounds of Sinner undressing.
Sinner. A character from a game. So why was he suddenly the focus of her every thought? She wanted him inside her. She needed him. He was hers. Game or not, delusion or not, it no longer mattered.
She was keyed up, each muscle so tightly wound that the first smack of Sinner’s palm across one cheek of her ass had her arching like a bow. The second made her gasp at the sharp sensation, the heat that followed.
The third, the one he’d sent between her legs, sent an arc of burning heat up her spine, making her arch with the strength of her climax.
“Damn she’s responsive.”
Manx’s words made her laugh, though the sound was mangled by her tears of release. She couldn’t remember ever coming that hard, or that quickly. And never from…something like that. “Responsive? Is that guy code for easy?”
“Maybe.” Manx’s smile was wicked. “But in this case? That’s a good thing, sugar. Believe me.”
She looked over her shoulder at her warrior, marveling at his body again. She noticed how still he was standing, with his fists clenched, and his eyes closed. “Sinner?”
He stayed silent for so long Manx chimed in. “Still with us?”
“Blindfold her.”
The gruff words shocked her. “No! Wait, I want to see.”
Manx moved to the cabinet, gathering a few bottles and a long, blue swath of silk. “I think you need to go with him on this, Ume. You’ll feel even more. As a kitsune you’ll sense more. And he’ll be able to give you what you need.”
He nodded encouragingly at her disappointed expression and placed the fabric over her eyes.
As soon as the knot was tied behind her head she felt Sinner move in behind her. He pressed his chest against her back and she moaned at the heat of his skin. “You steal my control, Ume. There’s so much I want to do to you, but you come so sweetly for me, so hard and sweet, that it’s all I can do to keep from falling on you like a mad thing.”
She could hear the truth of it. Hear how close he was to the edge in the rasp of his voice. She shivered, amazed at how powerful she felt. Tied up, blindfolded and powerful. “Do it.”
He lifted himself off her with a growl, spanking her tingling ass once, and then again. “Not yet, greedy. First I want to watch how you react to what Manx has planned for you.”
She stiffened, reaching out with her heightened senses. Manx was close. She heard a bottle open and a scent reminiscent of cinnamon filled the air.
“Warming oil,” Manx spoke with a slow drawl, an accent that had increased along with his arousal. “I’m slipping it up and down my cock, Ume. So when I press those ample, luscious, impossible breasts of yours around it I can glide in and out with ease.”
Ume whimpered. It sounded so good. Even better was the feeling of Sinner’s fingers clutching her hips convulsively, as though counting the minutes until he could get inside her. Fighting to hold back.
Manx’s large, slick hands cupped her breasts, and Ume bit her lip. They were just as sensitive as her own, insignificant pair. Every scrape of his fingernail, every touch sent a lightning bolt of need to her sex.
He pressed her flesh around his hard shaft and started to thrust. “Jesus, sugar. You are every young boy’s wet dream. You love it all, don’t you? Everything we do to you. You want it, don’t you?”
“Yes! I love it. I want more. Sinner, please.”
Did he not realize he was slipping his cock between her thighs? She was soaking him, drenching him. She felt empty. She needed him inside her. “Please.”
His grip on her hips turned bruising, his voice, when he spoke, was so rough and gritty she almost didn’t recognize it. “Please what? You have to say it. Beg me, little kitsune. Beg me to fuck you.”
Manx was thrusting between her breasts, his fingers pinching her nipples roughly, deliciously. She could smell the sweat on his skin, his desire for her, increasing her arousal. But none of that compared to him. Sinner.
“Fuck me, Sinner. Please fuck me. Now.”
A bark of surprised laughter came from Manx at her sorry attempt at begging, but it was enough for her warrior. His first thrust held nothing back, but she was so wet and ready for him she didn’t want him to go slow.
Yes. This was what she needed. What she’d been craving since that first, strange encounter. And it was better now. She could feel everything more intensely, each sensation amplified, not only by the blindfold. But by him. Sinner.
He powered into her, jarring her whole body with each stroke so that her mouth pressed against Manx’s hip. She sucked his skin between her lips, muffling her cries.
“Shit, sugar, you’re gonna make me—” Manx shouted his release and Ume tore her mouth away from his skin to cry out herself as Sinner tilted her hips, thrusting deeper, harder, yes, harder.
His groan was ragged. “You feel so good, Ume. I never want to stop. I never. Fucking. Want. To. Stop.”
Ume felt another wave crashing over her. Powerful and consuming. Before it had a chance to ebb there was another. And again. Time began to lose meaning. Her throat was raw from her cries of pleasure. She lost count of the times she came.
She was shaking so hard she was afraid she would break apart. She could feel Manx’s soothing touch on her hair, the press of his lips against her temple, but even that was too much for her sensitive skin.
“Tell him to come, sugar. Tell him you want him to come. Beg him if you have to.”
The whispered words were urgent, breaking through the haze that was surrounding her. “Sinner, I want you to come. I want to feel you come inside me. Please. I need to feel it.”
Her words set him free. His cry of release echoed against the bare walls of the room, his climax so powerful it made her come again. Her body, still vibrating from the last few orgasms, shuddered with intense pleasure.
A few minutes, or hours later, when two pairs of gentle masculine hands untied her bonds, Ume had a sinking feeling she would never be the same again. And neither would her fantasies.
Chapter Six
It was near dawn, but the two moons were still lighting the way for the five silent travelers climbing the steps that would take them to the Demon King’s lair.
Ume wasn’t sure what she was feeling. Surprised that her body had rebounded so quickly for one thing. But then, in the game,
she never seemed to run out of energy. She was also confused and a bit taken aback by her bold behavior, and in that regard Sinner wasn’t helping. Since their experience at the Inn of the Drunken Lotus, he’d been different. Cautious. He’d barely spoken a word to her in hours. She was walking beside Julie, while the three men lagged behind, keeping their distance.
At least he’d brought her another outfit to wear, seeing as he’d destroyed the last one.
“You said it.”
Ume glanced over at Julie, who seemed to be just as shaken up as she was. “What’s wrong with you?”
Julie crossed her arms defensively, her blush still visible in the dim light. “I don’t know. I’m not myself here. I’m behaving out of character.”
“Nothing you did could compare with what I did,” Ume muttered.
Her cousin leaned closer and lowered her voice. “I attacked Liam.”
“Yeah? Well, I think I participated in a porno.”
“What?” Julie covered her mouth, looking over her shoulder at the men’s questioning gazes, and slipped her arm through Ume’s. “What?”
Ume sighed. “Don’t ask. I’d rather hear about you attacking Liam.”
“I couldn’t help myself. I feel like a different person here. Like I’ve actually fallen into one of my stories. Does that make sense?” At Ume’s nod she continued. “And Liam is just so sweet and sexy. We went for a walk, and I, I guess I jumped him.”
“Did he go all wolfy?”
Julie lifted a hand to cup her neck thoughtfully. “Sort of.” Her sigh was heartfelt. “It was—”
“Amazing.” The two cousins spoke in unison, catching each other’s gaze and giggling like teenagers.
“There’s something else, Ume. Before we, um, before Liam and I were together, I was hungry, and mentioned really wishing we had some of my mother’s special dumplings. The next thing I knew a man walked by selling dumplings.” Julie stopped and gripped Ume’s arm. “They were her dumplings, Ume. Her recipe.”
Ume furrowed her forehead. “You think Saint is just randomly granting your wishes?”
“I don’t know what to think.”